The Trip That Was 2012

It is actually the same year between posts so not too bad on my part.  Yay me 🙂

So after the Trip That Wasn’t, Leah and I decided to plan an other less ambitious trip.

So a trip to Floyd Bennett Field was the next trip planned….and we actually made it.

Gotta get down there again.  Beyond the regular camping fun there is an aviation museum and they have fixed up the old terminal too.  Really nice place!

Even the park rangers are awesome!

The Trip That Wasn’t – 2012

The idea of going camping via a moped has been in my brain since I started riding one.  It doesn’t seem like that big of a challenge.

I mean you can make a moped go about 50+ mph without really a lot of work or even knowing what you are doing.  You can make the 50+ mph bike reliable once you do know what you are doing.  The US is covered in little roads that can get you any where , granted not very quickly but you are on a moped!  So I figured that 80-100 miles out of the city to a campsite would be a reasonable first trip and Leah didn’t even think I was crazy when I asked her if she would come.

So we packed up our bags, over loaded our mopeds and headed north (crossing over to Manhattan, up through the Bronx and across to Broadway and then north to Yonkers and beyond).

We made it to Tarrytown, NY before it started raining, my pannier was a little melted, my throttle cable broke but luckily we “roughed it” in a Double Tree hotel…they gave us warm cookies and a place to chain up the mopeds.  Phew!


The next morning we loaded back up (with better distribution of weight) and headed out…made it all the way to Montrose, NY when the magical nut that holds Leah’s Moby clutch in place vanished and the clutch rolled away as we pulled into a parking lot to figure out why she was over-revving!  Oh yeah and on the way we had to stop as my panniers actually caught on fire…oops!

So after walking up and down about 3-4 miles of road looking for the escaped nut (yikes), and riding to every NAPA and other auto parts store on the map we gave up and camped out at a local bar until Larry and Becca could come save us…in their Fiat 500!  Thanks to the bar owner we were allowed to lock our mopeds up in the basement so we could get them the next day.

So after getting home and recovering we rented a ZipCar and then our mopeds made it home….but don’t worry we didn’t give up that easily!

M23 Gettysburg Mini Rally – 2010

Wanting to get out of the city and ride somewhere fun we went to Gettysburg, PA for a ride.  Great weather, cannons, and my wife Leah even came.

Much fun was had by all!

Oh and the boy scout and diorama are not property of Mission 23…for reals…

Wheels for the Wife

Between work, my 10 million other hobbies fly fishing, paintball, rock stardom, backpacking, etc… and moped parts blowing up see NYC Streets vs French Pipes I seem to always have some past moped project to write about. With this post I might actually be caught up to the present completely!

My dad once said that his favorite hobbies were the ones he shared with my mom…mushy I know, but if you’re going to spend forever with someone you might as well spend time together doing fun stuff! So I’ve been trying to get Leah (my wife as of Sept 17…now it’s in a blog so I can’t forget the anniversary) to ride almost as soon as I got my first moped. On a trip to the fabled HandyBikes in Columbus, OH, I found a near perfect Tomos Silver Bullet sans engine. I picked it up planning to build it for Leah. To my delight she said she wanted to build it herself! Then we moved to NYC and the moped sat disassembled in a closet for a couple years…mopeds aren’t quite the priority for her that they are to me but this past year she got things underway…

20120305-114828.jpgand soon learned that putting tires on sucks!

20120305-115411.jpgbut she got the rolling chassis together in an afternoon with minimal help from me…one of the many reasons I married her…that and she asked me!

20120305-115720.jpgThis past summer she rebuilt the engine from the ground up. She only has to put up on a pipe and wire it up. She hasn’t built it quickly but she knows everything about that moped. In the interim she’s been riding The Tomonstr but my mopeds are a bit over the top and the riding position doesn’t really suit her.

That got me thinking that I’d build her something and my friend Johnny had the perfect bike. A nice clean Moby 50V. It took a little while of working on him to get it but he eventually relented to my groveling. He hooked me up with a 70cc Parma kit and a 15/15 SHA! So I cleaned up all the chrome, kitted the engine, and tuned it up (still a little rich for break in). The moped runs great and the orange is Leah’s favorite color win/win! On to the goodies.

She had mentioned that the collapsing saddle baskets on bicycles were cool so I ordered a set of Wald 582 Folding Baskets with basket liners. I think these look great, are built really well, and they were easy to mount up. All in all I think the moped turned out great!



20120305-122807.jpg I was going to make this a Christmas gift but I couldn’t stand to wait so it became a Birthday present! Leah thought I was going to show her something I bought for myself. After I finally convinced her that the Moby was for her I was pretty sure she liked it.

20120305-124006.jpgand considering she wanted to go for a ride ASAP…

20120305-124058.jpgI’d say I’m positive she liked it. I have a ninja pipe sitting on the shelf for when she’s ready!

I’ll keep you posted for when her Bullet is finished as I’m sure it’s going to be a mover too!